Understanding Ansari Sugar Mills and the Sugar Industry


The Company was incorporated in Pakistan as a Public Limited Company on July 09, 1989 and its shares were quoted on Karachi and Lahore Stock Exchanges.

Bulk of sugar processing equipment has been procured from Heavy Mechanical Complex (HMC). Some of the major processing equipment includes 3 Boilers, Power House, Process House, and Mill House. Equipment for the Power House are imported from Shinko, Japan.


To make a product of International Standard acceptable as a brand in the world market. To explore business opportunities available under the World trade Organization regime.


  • To sustain contribution to the National Economy by producing the cost effective product.
  • To ensure professionalism and healthy working environment.
  • To create a reliable product through adoption of latest technology/ advancement.
  • To promote research & development and provide technical knowhow to growers for improvement of sugar cane yield/recovery.

The Board of Ansari Sugar Mills Ltd vide its resolution dated Nov 1, 2008 appointed Mr. Anver Majid, as Chief Controller/ Consultant entrusting him with powers to run the mills and manage the affairs of the company.

 Background of Ansari Sugar Mills

Ansari Sugar Mills Limited is a public limited company incorporated in Pakistan on July 09, 1989. Its shares are quoted in the Karachi and Lahore Stock Exchanges, which are currently known as the Pakistan Stock Exchange. The company’s main business is the manufacture and sale of white sugar. Its head office is located at CL 5/4, State Life Insurance Building #10, Abdullah Haroon Road, Karachi. The registered office and factory are situated at Deh Jagsiyani, Taluka Tando Ghulam Hyder, District Tando Mohammad Khan, Hyderabad, Sindh. The company has procured most of its sugar processing equipment from Heavy Mechanical Complex (HMC), including 3 boilers, a power house, a process house, and a mill house. The equipment for the power house is imported from Shinko, Japan

Sugar Industry Overview:

Ansari Sugar Mills Ltd is a Pakistan-based company that engages in the manufacturing and sale of sugar and sugar-related products. It also produces by-products such as molasses, bagasse, and sugarcane press mud. Molasses are generally used to make ethyl alcohol for the industry.


Main Product

White Refined Sugar – Export/ Local

Bi Products


– is a viscous by-product of the refining of sugarcane. Molasses varies by amount of sugar and method of extraction, and age of plant. Molasses generally used to make in ethyl alcohol for industry.


– is the fibrous matter that remains after sugarcane stalks are crushed, to extract their juice. We currently use Bagasse as a primary fuel source for sugar mills; when burned in quantity, it produces sufficient heat energy to supply all the needs of a typical sugar mill, with energy to spare.

Since bagasse is a by-product of the cane sugar industry, the quantity of production in each country is in line with the quantity of sugarcane produced.

Sugarcane Press mud

– Sugarcane press mud is the residue of the filtration of sugarcane juice. The clarification process separates the juice into a clear juice that rises to the top and goes to manufacture, and a mud that collects at the bottom. The mud is then filtered to separate the suspended matter, which includes insoluble salts and fine bagasse. This industrial waste is mostly used as soil conditioner, soil fertilizer and for wax production.

Permissible Business Activity

  • To carry on the business of manufacturing white refined sugar based on sugar cane and to do all things incidental or conductive to the attainment or this objective.
  • To buy, sell, grow, plant, cultivate or otherwise acquire Sugar Cane, Sugar – Beets, Fruits, Vegetables and Cereals of any variety or varieties on the Company’s own lands or on lands or on lands of others, on such terms and conditions as the company may deem fit from time to time and advance moneys and loans to growers farmers, land – owners and contractors and provide them with seeds manure, machinery and / or other facilities, on such terms and conditions as the Company may deem fit and to consume all or any such grown owned or acquired Sugar-Cane, Sugar-Beet, Fruits Vegetables or Corn, in Company’s own undertakings or to dispose of supply, exporter sell all or any, of these commodities to any dealers, distributors, manufacturers, exporters, and others on such terms and conditions as the Company may deem proper.
  • To set up, establish, operate, manage, generate, sell and run Power Generation Plants, from different means and sources and to generate and supply electricity to all concerns, in order to carry out and fulfill the object, the Company shall be authorized:
    • To transact or carry on all kinds of agency, commission and contract business in Pakistan or abroad and in particulars in relation to industrial manufacturing transactions and to act as agents of any person, firm, company, government or local authorities, in connection with the sugar business.
    • To work as technical consultants for the sale, purchase, manufacture, erection, installation and modernization of plants and machinery etc.


It may be concluded that sugar beet performed well in all locations and can be a good substitute of sugarcane crop as problem of shortage of irrigation water in the Province is increasing alarmingly which caused progressively reduction in the area under sugarcane. One thing, which need to be kept in mind if a farmer planting sugar beet that produce, should be lifted to the Mills soon after harvest, delay generally lost weight as this problem is less in sugarcane than in beet.

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