Government Orders Strict Monitoring of Social Media to Curb Hate Speech and Religious Incitement

Social Media

Social Media

Government mandates strict social media monitoring to curb hate speech and religious incitement.

Islamabad: The government has ordered stringent monitoring of social media to prevent the spread of hate speech and religious incitement.

The federal government has issued a directive to the Chief Secretaries and Inspectors General of Police of all four provinces, including Azad Jammu & Kashmir and Gilgit-Baltistan, for strict monitoring.

In a letter issued by the Joint Secretary of the Ministry of Interior, it was stated that incidents of circulating hateful and religiously provocative content have increased. These activities reflect sectarian divisions within the country and pose a risk of escalating provocative incidents.

According to the letter, the country is facing a new wave of militancy due to the hateful and blasphemous content circulating on social media. Given the current situation, the nation cannot afford any sectarian unrest. It is imperative to ensure stringent monitoring of all sectarian organizations and associated elements linked to social media and militancy, including inflammatory speakers.

The letter further stated that during Muharram, restrictions should be imposed on the entry and speeches of inflammatory speakers within districts, confining them to relevant areas. Strict monitoring of cyberspace should also be ensured to prevent the circulation of hateful and provocative content on social media.