Bannu Protest Organized by KPK’s Ruling Party, Says DG ISPR


The DG ISPR, Lt. Gen. Ahmed Sharif Chaudhry, emphasized that the Azm-e-Istahkam campaign is a comprehensive anti-terrorism effort being politicized, while security forces continue extensive operations nationwide.

Rawalpindi: The spokesperson for the Pakistan Army, DG ISPR Lieutenant General Ahmed Sharif Chaudhry, stated that the “Azm-e-Istahkam” initiative is being sacrificed for political gains.

During a press conference addressing the country’s security situation and national security issues, Lt. Gen. Chaudhry emphasized that serious matters are being politicized. He clarified that Azm-e-Istahkam is not a military operation but a comprehensive campaign against terrorism.


DG ISPR Lt. Gen. Chaudhry mentioned that an apex committee meeting was held on June 22 to organize the anti-terrorism campaign under the name Azm-e-Istahkam and build consensus across the nation. The campaign’s goal is to sever ties between terrorists and criminal mafias.

**Political Exploitation of National Unity**

The DG ISPR pointed out that after the apex committee meeting, confusion spread, and a narrative was formed that an operation was underway, displacing people from their areas. He emphasized that the issue of national unity is being exploited politically.

**Political Mafia Against Azm-e-Istahkam**

DG ISPR explained that the Prime Minister’s statement clearly mentioned that people were previously displaced due to no-go areas, but currently, no such areas exist, and no one will be displaced. Despite this, a significant political mafia emerged, opposing the Azm-e-Istahkam operation, and a strong lobby wants to hinder the objectives of anti-terrorism actions.

**Comprehensive Campaign**

Lt. Gen. Chaudhry said that the apex committee thoroughly reviewed the counter-terrorism campaign and identified flaws in the implementation of the National Action Plan, stressing the need for a detailed counter-terrorism strategy. Consequently, Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif approved a more dynamic anti-terrorism campaign. Therefore, Azm-e-Istahkam is a comprehensive campaign aiming for consensus and empowering the ongoing anti-terrorism efforts through effective legislation.

**Regular Press Conferences**

He noted that the recent organized propaganda and fake news against the army have increased, and in response to the rising misinformation, it was decided to hold regular press conferences.

**Security Operations**

The army spokesperson reported that this year, security forces conducted 22,409 intelligence operations, during which 398 terrorists, including 31 most-wanted ones, were killed, and 137 officers and soldiers were martyred. On average, 112 operations are conducted daily.

**Unregistered Madrasas**

He highlighted that there are over 32,000 madrasas in the country, of which 16,000 are registered. The rest are unregistered, and it is not the army’s responsibility to manage them.

**Benami Properties, Accounts, Non-Custom Paid Vehicles**

Lt. Gen. Chaudhry said that millions of non-custom paid vehicles operate in Pakistan, involving billions in business, and terrorists also use these vehicles. In some areas, it has become common to drive vehicles without proper documentation, which terrorists can exploit.

**Bannu Incident**

He discussed the Bannu incident, stating that a terrorist attack on the cantonment resulted in the martyrdom of eight soldiers and some innocent civilians. Armed individuals joined a peace march, fired at the scene, brought down a wall, and looted a ration depot. The military responded correctly according to SOPs.

**Leniency Toward 9th May Planners and Facilitators**

The DG ISPR mentioned that after the 9th May incident, the propaganda claimed the army should have shot the mobs, implying the army orchestrated the event. The army follows SOPs that involve warnings, aerial firing, and then response. The Bannu incident occurred because the judicial and legal systems provide leniency to the planners and facilitators of the 9th May incident, leading to further chaos and fascism.

**Maintaining Law and Order is the Provincial Government’s Responsibility**

He stressed that maintaining law and order in the Bannu incident is the provincial government’s responsibility, not the army’s. Mischievous elements in protest gatherings are the responsibility of the local government, police, and administration.

**Digital Terrorism**

Lt. Gen. Chaudhry stated that digital terrorism against the army chief and military is rampant on social media. Digital terrorists operate similarly to real terrorists, spreading false news and obscene comments about military leadership. Digital terrorists need to be curbed through law and monitoring.

**TLP Sit-in**

He dismissed the army’s involvement in the recent TLP sit-in at Faizabad, stating that the protest topic was Palestine. If other parties like Jamaat-e-Islami protest in Islamabad, claims will arise that the army is behind it. The government and institutions were addressing the issue’s sensitivity, but propaganda started claiming the army’s involvement.