” Johnny Depp finds solace in ‘simple things’ after exhausting Amber Heard trial ” | Digital Taraqqi Online

Johnny Depp is in Bahamas these days after a very happening year navigating six-week-long trial against Amber Heard and death of close pal Jeff Bezos.

The Pirates of the Caribbean actor revealed he has found solace in the Bahamas after being in the spotlight due to bombshell trial that was live televised globally.

The Hollywood star said he can “escape scrutiny” while he is on the island and feels he has “freedom” which he does not feel he has while he is working.

“Where I feel the most myself in this world,” he told the South China Morning Post, “and where I go to feel absolutely normal, I suppose, is my place in the Bahamas, because it’s an island and nobody’s looking at me.”

“You’ve got to have some sanctuary,” he added, “a safe place where you can escape the scrutiny and the interest of others, a place where you can just sit on a beach, read, paint, meditate or whatever, that’s freedom to me.”

“That’s the only real freedom,” the actor said.

Sharing how the place “cleanses” his mind, Depp talked about the competitive style of life in Hollywood. “Everyone is going to be affected by the passing of time,” he said.

“But I understand that in terms of the idea behind it, which is to say that I’ve always felt better in myself by sticking to my guns about choices that I’ve made,” Johnny Depp continued.

Dubbing that kind of life a “competitive racket,” he said, “I’ve never felt the need to be competitive with anyone. I hate the idea. It’s about who wins what, who gets what, who’s better and who’s worse, and who makes more, and all that.”

“I don’t care about any of that stuff. If you care about any of that stuff, man, I just think it’s counterproductive to the actual work that you’re doing as an actor.”

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