Tax on Salaried Class in Pakistan Nine Times Higher Than in India


A report by the Pakistan Business Council reveals that the tax rate on the salaried class in Pakistan is nine times higher than in India, significantly increasing the financial burden on employees.

According to a report by the Pakistan Business Council, the tax rate imposed on the salaried class in Pakistan is nine times higher than that in India. The report states that an employee earning a monthly salary of PKR 100,000 in Pakistan has to pay PKR 30,000 in annually, whereas in India, the tax on the same salary is only INR 3,000 annually.

Furthermore, an individual earning a monthly salary of PKR 150,000 in Pakistan has to pay an annually PKR 120,000, while in India, the annual tax on the same salary is only INR 12,000.

Concern Among the Business Community

This report has raised concerns within the business community. The higher rate in Pakistan increases the financial burden on the salaried class, which can also negatively impact the economy.

Request for Tax Policy Review

The Pakistan Business Council has urged the government to review the policy to reduce the burden on the salaried class and improve the business environment. This step is expected to boost the economy and create employment opportunities in the country.

Future Measures

The government has indicated that it will consider this report in its future actions. Tax reforms are expected to reduce the burden on the salaried class and improve the business environment.